LVE Café: 9-in-1 Butterscotch Flavor with Pycnogenol®
"Coffee for the Mind"
LVE Café: 9-in-1 Butterscotch Flavor with Pycnogenol®
"Coffee for the Mind"
Serving Size
Servings per Container 1 sachet, 21 g
12 sachets
Instant coffee powder, Non-dairy Creamer, Pycnogenol®, Choline, Siberian Ginseng, Ginkgo Biloba, Gotu Kola and Bacopa Monnieri, Sunett™ Acesulfame Potassium 21 g
Price per Box
Price for iNFIN8 Members PHP 250 • USD 5
PHP 175 • USD 3.80
LVE Café is a concoction of the best and beneficial natural ingredients by combining only the most suitable for all kinds of health condition, without sacrificing taste to satisfy even the most meticulous coffee lover.
LVE Café 9-in-1 Butterscotch Flavor is a sugar-free coffee mix that was developed using six powerful herbal ingredients particularly Pycnogenol® from Horphag Research Ltd. This product was concentrated specifically with the following ingredients that are well known to help in the improvement of memory and cognitive functions.
Main Ingredients
* Pycnogenol® French maritime pine bark extract
* Choline
* Siberian Ginseng
* Ginkgo Biloba
* Gotu Kola
* Bacopa Monnieri
* Sunett™ Acesulfame Potassium
Pycnogenol® is a natural plant extract from the bark of the maritime pine tree which grows exclusively along the coast of southwest France in Les Landes de Gascogne.
The extract has four basic properties – it’s a powerful antioxidant, acts as a natural anti-inflammatory, selectively binds to collagen and elastin, and finally, it aids in the production of endothelial nitric oxide which helps to vasodilate blood vessels.
Pycnogenol® has differentiated itself from other ingredients in the marketplace because of its extensive research portfolio. More than 170 published studies and review articles ensuring its safety and efficacy as an ingredient have been completed over the last 35 years. Scientific evidence on its Antioxidative Capacity and protective action on the Vascular System have been published in the most renowned scientific journals. Additional published findings have demonstrated Pycnogenol’s beneficial effects in cardiovascular health, skincare, cognitive function, diabetes health, inflammation, sports nutrition, asthma and allergy relief and menstrual disorders, among others.
Many of these applications are protected by U.S. and international patents. Today, the scientific accomplishments of Pycnogenol® remains unparalleled, especially when it comes to quality, safety and clinical evidence.
Pycnogenol® is produced by a validated manufacturing process following good agricultural practice (GAP) and good manufacturing practice (GMP). There is absolutely no application of pesticides during the growing of pine trees or toxic solvents during the manufacture of Pycnogenol, there can be no pesticide or solvent in the finished active substance.
Pycnogenol® is certified Kosher and Halal and has earned Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS) status in the USA for its applications in foods and beverages. Additionally, Pycnogenol® is a proprietary extract and is protected by several U.S. and international patents.
[Horphag Research Ltd.] Pycnogenol® is a registered trademark of Horphag Research Ltd. Use of this product is protected by one or more of U.S. patents #5,720,956 / #6,372,266 and other international patents
Choline is necessary for brain function, for the synthesis of neurotransmitters and to build and maintain brain cell membrane (acetylcholine). Acetylcholine is important for sleep, for memory, and for thinking. It also works in movement control. Choline chloride is found in concentrations in the tissues of the nervous system.
Choline decreases with age as signified by memory loss, reduced learning ability, and reduced learning ability. There is also reduced general cognitive functioning. It works in the process of methylation.
Choline may be helpful in reducing sleep problems. The stimulation barrier of the brain is increased. It helps the brain to filter out minor noises.The ability to problem solve and concentrate may also improve with choline.
Here’s one for all coffee drinkers! Coffee may actually raise the level of acetylcholine.
Choline also helps maintain moist mucous membranes, especially in post-menopausal women. It works best if it is taken with folic acid. The greater amount of folic acid reduces choline and the lesser amount of choline that is used for methylation, allows choline to be used by the nervous system.
Choline works with Inositol to emulsify fats, meaning keeping fats in liquid form. If fats are emulsified then it is less likely they will be deposited on the walls of the arteries, or in the gall bladder. Phosphatidyl choline transports fats to cells for energy. It also helps to transports fats so they can either be used by the body, or excreted.
Another concern is fetal development. Choline chloride taking during pregnancy may increase the life-long ability of the infant to learn, pay attention and have greater memory.
A choline deficient diet may result in increased rates of cancer such as liver carcenoma. Choline maybe helpful in treating the following conditions - liver disease, high cholesterol, depression, memory loss, Alzheimer’s, and asthma - it has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Siberian Ginseng
Every serious athlete seeks new ways to improve performance. Among the various workout aids available, one herb in particular, Siberian ginseng, can boost energy, sharpen mental concentration, and help every athlete to improve strength and stamina.
First discussed as a valuable medicine in a 2,000 year old Chinese herbal treatise, Siberian ginseng, Eleutherococcus senticosus, grows abundantly in Siberia, and in the mountains of Northeast China. In the United States, Siberian ginseng is commonly sold as a dietary supplement in both Chinese herbal and health food stores. Used in traditional Chinese medicine to improve vitality and normalize overall body functions, Siberian ginseng is considered a highly valuable tonic with broad uses and benefits. Over the past several decades, science shows that extracts of the plant impart strength and enhance performance.
Listed in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, Siberian ginseng is one of the best documented plants in herbal medicine. Extensive studies conducted in China and Russia compiled at the Harbin Research Institute show that consumption of Siberian ginseng enhances immunity, increases strength, stimulates sexual function, improves sleep, helps the body during times of oxygen deprivation, enhances cardiovascular function, improves overall athletic performance, and sharpens mental alertness. Probably more than any other herb ever studied, Siberian ginseng demonstrates the capacity to improve all aspects of human performance.
Siberian ginseng is classified as an “adaptogen,” which means that it improves general resistance to a wide variety of adverse health influences, especially stress. This effect is believed to be due to its concentration of a unique family of compounds known as eleutherosides. Additionally two polysaccharides in the plant display specific immune-enhancing power by promoting phagocytosis (the means by which protective cells engulf harmful microorganisms, damaged cells and foreign particles), and the promotion of protective B lymphocytes. Further studies show that Siberian ginseng helps to defend the body against some bacterial and chemical toxins.
Studies of Siberian ginseng’s effects on human performance conducted in both Russia and China show that the plant increases human tolerance to a broad range of stress factors, including heat, noise and increased exercise. When taken regularly, the extract of Siberian ginseng increases work output, endurance, athletic performance and mental alertness. The plant also shows remarkable protective benefits under conditions of serious oxygen deprivation. Due to its stress-reducing and extraordinary performance-enhancing powers, Siberian ginseng is popular among factory workers, athletes, miners, soldiers, deep sea divers and other individuals who engage in physically and mentally demanding tasks and occupations.
Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo Biloba tree is a perennial tree that is native to China and Japan; it also now grows in some areas of Europe and North America. It stands about 100 foot tall; its leaves are fan-shaped with veins radiating from its stem base and produces small, round fruit that measure from 1 to 3 cm. The fruit contains an inner seed, which is reported to cause human poisoning when ingested.
The leaves of Ginkgo biloba are among the most extensively studied plant today. Unlike many other herbs, ginkgo leaves are not frequently used in their crude state, but in a concentrated, standardized ginkgo biloba extract, which is prepared from the dried green leaves. The standardized extract is highly concentrated and seems to be more effective in treating health problems than the non-standardized leaf alone. Ginkgo supplement is now one of the best selling herbal remedy in Europe and United States.
Active components of Ginkgo biloba: There are more than 40 components identified from ginkgo biloba tree but there are only two active components that are responsible for its beneficial effects. These components include:
* Flavonoids such as quercetin and rutin both have powerful antioxidant effects. Studies have shown that flavonoids protect the nerves, heart muscle, blood vessels and retina from damage.
* Terpenoids such as ginkgolides improve blood flow by dilating blood vessels and reducing the stickiness of platelets.
Health Benefits
* Stimulates and tones the brain. Ginkgo possessed many excellent properties among which are that of stimulating circulation, particularly in the brain. Because of the increases circulation and oxygenation of the brain cells, produced by the extract from ginkgo leaves, this plant has given excellent results for combating diseases related to the brain.
* Embolism. Normally a region of the brain stops to function in the case of an embolism. Therefore, a more generous supply of oxygen and nutrients to the damaged area is necessary in order for the nerves cells to recuperate efficiently.
* Increase memory and mental concentration. Students and professional take ginkgo biloba daily to increase their mental abilities, whether for work or study because of its effectiveness on increasing memory and mental power.
* Senility and Alzheimer's disease. Several studies have found that ginkgo may be as effective as the leading AD medications, a number of studies conclude that the daily consumption of Ginkgo biloba extract produces a considerable increase in memory and in the activity of neurons in the brain. There are study conducted in n 40 patients between 60 and 80 years of age. Twenty of them were given a placebo. After 3 months, the researchers reported that the patients who took Ginkgo demonstrated more concentration and much higher levels of mental activity than those who did not receive Ginkgo. Other research has demonstrated that the percentage of nerve transmission in the neurons increases significantly. In addition, ginkgo is sometimes used preventively because it may delay the onset of AD in someone who is at risk for this type of dementia.
* Headache (Migraine). Study was conducted in persons suffering from migraine headaches; improvement was noted in 80% of those who took ginkgo biloba. The reason for the alleviation in migraine sufferers may be due to effect on the arteries by the active ingredients of plant.
Gotu Kola
A member of the parsley family, gotu kola (Centella asiatica) has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine and ayurveda (the traditional medicine of India) to heal skin conditions such as psoriasis, fight mental fatigue, and treat asthma, fever, and stomach ulcers. Now sold as an herbal supplement, gotu kola is marketed as a memory-booster and natural remedy for anxiety and depression.
Gotu kola has yet to be extensively researched, but a few studies have shown that the herb may help with these health problems:
* Anxiety - Triterpenoids (a group of compounds found in gotu kola) may ease anxiety, according to a 2000 study. In an experiment involving 40 healthy adults, scientists discovered that those taking gotu kola were less likely to be startled by new noises. Since the "acoustic startle response" may be a marker of anxiety, the study's authors suggest that gotu kola could decrease anxiety symptoms.
* Mood Disorders - In another small study, 28 older adults took gotu kola at various doses (250, 500, and 750 mg) once daily for two months. Results revealed that study members on the highest dose had improvements in mood, as well as memory and cognitive function.
* Varicose Veins - A number of small studies indicate that gotu kola may stimulate circulation and help fight varicose veins and venous insufficiency (a condition that impairs flow of blood through the veins).
Gotu Kola is recommended by herbalists as a nervine tonic for combating various disorders such as senility, epilepsy and nervous disorders. It is an excellent brain tonic that is used for enhancing memory and is known to balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain. This revitalizing herb is used for battling premature ageing and promotes good health and longevity.
Gotu Kola has the ability to relax the mind and body and promotes restful sleep and combats depression, stress and anxiety. It is also recommended for treating minor burns, varicose veins, congestive heart failure, hepatitis, hypertension, venereal diseases and Urinary Tract Infections. It helps flush out the harmful toxins from the body and has a mild diuretic action and helps constrict swollen membranes and prevents edema. It is known to enhance the circulatory system and strengthens the blood vessels. It is also indicated for the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency which may result in spider veins or varicose veins.
Its external application helps reduce scarring when applied to the wound during its inflammatory stage. Research tells us that Gotu Kola can help treat patients suffering from third degree burns when treated with the herb immediately after the accident. This herb is known to abound in saponins that have a beneficial effect on the collagen and help repair the skin and battle cellulite effectively.
Although side effects are rare, some people taking gotu kola may experience upset stomach, headache, and drowsiness. Because gotu kola can make your skin more sensitive to the sun, it's important to limit your sun exposure and use sunscreen while taking it. Medical experts advise against using gotu kola if you have a history of squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell skin cancer, or melanoma. People with liver disease should also avoid gotu kola.
Gotu kola should not be confused with the caffeine-containing kola nut, used in original recipes for Coca-Cola.
Bacopa Monnieri
Bacopa monnieri is derived from either a blue and white specific flower that is grown throughout Southern Asia. Traditionally, it has been used to treat disorders such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, depression, and even insomnia. Additionally, it can act as an antioxidant in the brain, which is designed to remove free radicals.
Bacopa helps in repair of damaged neurons by enhancing kinase activity, neuronal synthesis and restoration of synaptic activity and ultimately nerve impulse transmission, thus helps in Alzheimers and other degenerative disorders of brain.
According to many scientists bacopa is the best anti-oxidant for the nervous system that improves mental clarity and memory recall. It calms the mind and promotes relaxation thus decreases anxiety and restlessness. It also increases protein synthesis and activity in the brain cells. It also acts as a blood cleanser that stimulates hair and nails growth and provides treatment to the various skin disorders.
Brahmi, or Bacopa, which means "creator" in Sanskrit, is a well respected brain tonic in Ayurvedic medicine and best known as an intelligence nutrient, enhancing cognitive ability. It has been taken in India for over 5,000 years. In use it has proven useful for epilepsy, improving memory, increasing concentration and for relieving anxiety. In natural medicine Brahmi also plays a major role as a diuretic, tranquilizer, depression treatment, asthma treatment and insanity treatment. It is also used in children for the treatment of ADD or ADHD.
Sunett™ Acesulfame Potassium
This non-caloric, artificial sweetener tastes approximately 200 times sweeter than table sugar (sucrose) and lacks the bitter aftertaste of saccharin. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization endorsed Acesulfame-K as a satisfactory artificial sweetener in 1983. Acesulfame-K was approved in 1988 by the U.S. FDA as a sugar substitute to be used in packets or as tablets and now is approved for use in chewing gum and in powdered drink mixes. Unlike aspartame, Acesulfame-K can be used in cooking because it does not break down at oven temperatures.
The US Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of the calorie-free sweetener Sunett (Acesulfame Potassium, often known as Ace K) in liquid beverages. The sweetener, which is made by Celanese Corporation subsidiary Nutrinova, is expected to mount a significant challenge to the diet beverage industry in the USA because of its unique taste characteristics and stability.
[Nutrinova Sunett]
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